With Reflexology and Reiki we can first treat the client with reflexology pinpointing the areas of blockage and dis-ease! Then moving to the Reiki we can concentrate on those areas within the treatment.
(55 minutes – €50)
Reiki/ Reflexology/ Massage Special Combi
From experience, clients just love to have a reflexology treatment over the feet, which then follows with flowing massage up through legs into the back and shoulders.
Of course any other therapies that he practices can also be included into the mix, as requested and agreed in advance by the client.. ie Hot stones on the back, deep tissue release, Hands on healing, Shendau upper body acupressure.
90 mins 75e
And there are some who like a two hour session!, which could include for example a full reflexology, leading into full body swedish…
Structural Osteopathy
Osteopathy is gentle and specific form of manual medicine involving massage of muscles and articulation or occasionally manipulation of joints. This helps to restore balance to the body and allow it to function in the best way that it can. If the body is structurally sound it will function at its peak of performance, and vice versa.
Osteopathy complements all forms of physical health activities, such as Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates, as it allows your body to function in the way to which it is best suited.
Though Osteopathy is known mainly for treating back and skeletal problems, it has a huge rule to play in promoting general health by allowing our tissues a good arterial blood supply and venous drainage through specific joint and tissue movement.
During a session Robi will take a full medical case history to understand exactly in what way he can help, then a treatment plan will be discussed and then treatment can commence.
Treatment lasts 40 minutes - €55.00